Step 3 – investigation

The what

Now that the project is done (in some sense at least, hopefully!), it is time to lay the tools down and reward yourself by nerding away into a subject relevant to the course title! In this step you'll do a theoretical deep-dive into a subject of your choosing. It can be a library, a coding pattern, an API - anything goes, as long as it can be fit under the course headline.

It can be something you encountered during your project, or it can be something that's entirely new to you.

Some of you have already performed what could be called a deep-dive which you've shared on the blog - if you clear it with me, I might give you the goahead to use that past deed and simply call this step done already!

The how

Preferrably you should share your findings by creating a screencast, that is, a video. Voiceover to slides work fine, or just live commenting to a recording of your screen, much like my course vlog post.

If you really really don't want to record yourself then it's also fine to simply write a (longer) blog post.

When you are done with your deepdive you should register it on the guild for others to find. Please use the following format:

deepdive: {
    description: "Delegating heavy computing to web workers",
    url: "http://an.example/url"

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