GoF 2

  • GoF: Abstract Factory
  • GoF: Factory
  • GoF: Factory Method
  • GoF: Facade
  • More Example Design and Implementation in the Black Jack Game
  • GoF: Composite
  • GoF: Visitor
  • Design and implementation of a simple shapes example.

Reading instructions

Applying UML and Patterns: Applying UML and Patterns:

  • 25 - GRASP: more objects with responsibilites.
  • 26 - Applying GoF design Patterns


GoF Factory and Facade Patterns

Looking at the Abstrac Factory, Factory method, Factory and Facade patterns. Implementation of Factory and Facade in the Black Jack Game

GoF Composite and Visitor

Use of gof composite and visitor patterns.


Design Patterns

Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
Gamma Erich, Helm Richard, Johnson Ralph, Vlissides John
ISBN: 9780201633610