Domain Modeling

  • What is a Domain and a Domain Model?
  • How is a Domain Model Created?
  • Conceptual Classes
  • Associations
  • Attributes
  • Time/History
  • Generalisation
  • Example: Student Course Administrative System

Reading instructions

Applying UML and Patterns: Applying UML and Patterns: Chapter 9 - Domain Models, 31/32 - Domain Model Refinement (chapter numbers seem to be different in somve versions)


Crash Course

Indepth with Example

Domain Modeling Slides


Domain Model UML Class Diagram Quick Guide


The only thing I don't particularly agree with in this presentation is the focus on reuse of the domain model, I think the purpose of understanding is more important and that reuse is a possibly secondary goal. That is I would create a specific domain model, then possibly make it more generic if it needs to be reused.

In this video I really like the use of the notes to further detail possible rules.

I would say talking to steakholders/experts are probably key finding a good domain model (unless you yourself is an expert). Also has some questions you can think about.