Getting started

In this course, we will be using Git together with GitLab for version handling and submitting our code. This will have some implications on your setup.

Git and GitLab

First, start looking at this new guide to Git. Focus on step 12 since we will be using ssh instead of HTTP to communicate to GitLab.


Depending on your setup you might need to change your local git configuration. (or not if it is already setup with your student email)


Now you can start working with assignments and exercises.


And after that, here is your daily workflow:


Linting your code

We are changing from using Standard.js for linting to using ESLint with the standard.js plugin. To properly lint your code to match the CodeGrade-setup please make sure to:

1. After you have created you package.json (npm init) please run:

npx install-peerdeps --dev @lnu/eslint-config

2. Then make sure to add the following to your package.json:

"eslintConfig": {
    "extends": "@lnu"

3. You can now lint your code using npm-script:

"lint": "npx eslint . || exit 0"

or by using the command:

npx eslint .

Make sure to have a compatible ESlint-plugin installed in your IDE. We recommend:

4.  dbaeumer.vscode-eslint

A plugin for JSDoc could also be usful

5. joelday.docthis


In the code we recommend using
1. Visual Studio code

Application environment

1. Install the “Current” version of Node.js from

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