Exam Assignment 2 – CRUD

Submit deadline

The assignment must be submitted by 2021-02-23 24:00.

Du hittar uppgiften och beskrivningen i din grupp på Gitlab.

Deadline and submission

You hand in your assignment by doing a Merge Request (MR). Make sure you do the following:

  • Create a MR from your ‘master’-branch to your ‘release’-branch.
  • Add title: “Submission, Assignment 2″
  • Check the boxes in the description by adding a ‘x’ between the brackets.
  • Make sure to fill in the Assignment Report. (The questions are in html-comments so that you can leave them there. Make sure to **not** write your code inside comments!)
  • Select the Milestone to which you would like to make the submission. Important!

Do not add anything else. Do not merge or close your MR. Doing that will count as if you have withdrawn your submission.

You can continue to push to the master branch and thoose commits will be added to the submission. If you commit after deadline, the pipeline will indicate that your submission is late.

You can edit the MR and the Assignment report after the MR is opened.

You can add comments to your MR if you want to communicate anything to the examiner.


The examination will be an oral hearing, including the theory raised to this point of the course. During the examination, you will be asked a couple of questions. You will also defend your solution for the assignment. Notes will be taken on how well you answered the questions and how good your application is depending on security, functionality, and code quality. The notes will be used when setting the final grade on the course. For this assignment, however, the grade is U (failed, “underkänd”), and G (pass, “godkänd”).

Book time for examination

You book a time slot in MyMoodle.

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