This describes the task for the first workshop, perform all the steps in order. Be sure to document all assumptions and changes you are making. Also, be sure to specify who participated in the work and be prepared to answer any questions about your model.
Please use English in your models and documents. You may get international students as reviewers.
All files should be zipped into an archive and be in one of the following formats: plain text, pdf or common image formats (e.g. jpg, gif, png). Do not use word documents etc.
Requirements for grade 2 (passing grade)
- Please read the introduction to the workshop process
- Read problem description for Workshop 1
- Perform an object-oriented analysis using domain modeling based on the problem description and the requirements presented below. These requirements delimit the domain model. Remember that the only thing certain about requirements is that they are contradictory, has too few details and are generally incorrect
Your domain model should support only the following requirements:
- 4 Register Boat
- 5 Remove Boat
- 6 Change Boat
- 8 Assign Berths
- 10 Manage Calendar Event
- 11 List Calendar Events
- 12 Show Calendar Event
- Participate in the Peer Review Process
You should submit the following for the Peer Review
A zip compressed archive containing:
- A domain model in the form of a a UML class diagram
- Optional: A readme explaining any assumptions, changes or clarifications to requirements made during the modeling.
You should submit the following for the Final Hand In
A zip compressed archive containing:
- A final domain model in the form of a a UML class diagram
- The model you sent in for the peer review in the form of a a UML class diagram
- A textfile named “changes.txt” motivating the changes you incorporated or did not incorporate based on the peer review feedback
- Optional: A “readme.txt” explaining any assumptions, changes or clarifications to requirements made during the modeling.
- Optional: A “readme.txt” listing all the members of the group (first name, last name, user name).
Requirements for grade 3
- Perform the requirements for grade 2
- Make a new extended version of the domain model that includes all the requirements in the problem description.
Requirements for grade 4
- Perform the requirements for grade 2
- Perform the requirements for grade 3
- Construct a comprehensive domain model for any of the following, the domain model should be reasonably general, but also capture the unique. Please visit in real life and study how it works (maybe even an interview with a domain expert if / when you discover ambiguities), to get a deeper understanding. Document carefully any assumptions you make.
- Online-media/book store (bokus, amazon, cdon, …)
- E-commerce site for computer stuff (netonnet, komplett, dustin, …)
- A library
- Fast food restaurant (mcdonalds, burger king, sibylla, max)
- Your own suggestion (please contact Tobias for approval BEFORE you start)