Mandatory literature
Mining of Massive Datasets
Leskovec, Jure & Rajaraman, Anand & Ullman, Jeffrey David (2014). Cambridge University Press. 476 pages.
Available for free online here.
Deep Learning
Goodfellow, Ian & Bengio, Yoshua & Courville, Aaron (2016). MIT Press. 781 pages.
Available for free online here.
Optional literature
The following books are well worth reading but is not mandatory for the course.
Deep Learning with Python
Chollet, Francois (2017). ISBN 9781617294433. 384 pages.
Find book at Adlibris.
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Tensorflow
Geron, Aurelien (2017). ISBN 9781491962299. 574 pages.
Find book at Adlibris.
Note that a new edition will be released June 2019.