Assignment 3 - the article
The project lets you dive deep into a specific subject of interest. Read a scientific paper related to testing and present the results!
This assignment aims to reach the following objectives from the syllabus:
Upon completion of the examination, students should be able to:
- individually present and explain a specific study area within software testing and
- demonstrate theoretical insights in that area
- critically evaluate literature and other information sources in the field of software testing.
Single student Assignment
This assignment contains elements that must be done by a single student.
Note that all artifacts should be marked by the student.
Examination of the assignment is done individually.
Find one peer reviewed article(paper) about a subject of interest in the field of testing. This paper should either be published in a peer-reviewed journal or conference.
Tip: Linnaeus University Library staff are good at searching for and finding articles.
Here are some examples of databases to find suitable papers:
OneSearch (LNU)
Information about OneSearch:
Plugin to allow access to articles the university has access to:
When searching on OneSearch you can filter the results to only show peer-reviewed results.
Examination criteria and Artifacts
The presentation should report and analyze at least one peer-reviewed paper, your presentation should answer these questions about the article:
- Why? What problem are the author(s) trying to solve?
- How? What method has been used to answer the question?
- What is the result from the method?
- What is the validity of the result according to the author?
- Does the research solve the problem/answer the question?
- What are to be done next? future work? and why?
- And lastly something from you. What do you think and why? If you make claims support those with evidence or logic
- Five minute presentation (Present it live or share a recorded presentation). See schedule for deadline.
This assignment is graded (Pass / Fail)
- Use of peer reviewed papers within the area of testing
- Critical standpoint (discuss the validity)
- Read and understand scientific literature
- Theoretical insight