Assignments and Examinations
There are three graded assignments and a final exam. In order to pass the course all assingments must be completed with a passing grade as well as the exam.
Each of the assignments has a number of deadlines assigned to it. The deadlines can be found in the course schedule.
Tip: Add the deadline dates into your calendar and plan to study well before them. Also check scheduled time for tutoring so that you have time to ask questions for each of the assignments before its deadline. In the table below I have estimated study-times for the different assignments, this is just an estimation and may vary greatly between students.
Deadline | Overview of the things to do | Time estimation |
A1.p1 | Successfully complete all examination-tasks in CSQUIZ, link on course page. | Estimated time ~8-16 hours |
A1.p2 | Prepare according to instructions. Book oral examination of your project on course page. | Estimated time ~40 hours (Optional assignment) |
A2. | Select a project to analyze and follow the instructions | ~40 hours |
A3. | Select an article to read and present about | ~20 hours |
Exam | Complete the online exam | Study ~40-80 hours Exam time ~1-2 hours |
If you miss a deadline, this will happen:
All students that miss a deadline will need to do an extra bonus assignment (see below) that is specified by the examiner. A new deadline will be set, preferably within the time scheduled for the course. Note special case with A1.p2.
A1.p2 cannot be done after the deadline and no re-exams are available. You can do A1.p1 after deadline.
A2 will be done twice, so the second attempt is the final attempt. If you fail both you need to wait until the next time the course is given.
Bonus Assignment
Students who did not participate in this first round of A1, A2, A3 also need to do a bonus assignment which is:
In a direct message to me in Slack explain how you and I could have done differently so that you would still have passed the deadline.
Note: This does not need to include any reasons for not being able to complete it. You don't need to tell me these. The assignment is thus not to explain your reasons for not being able to complete the assignment but to explain how the assignment could have been completed despite your reasons. Perhaps starting earlier, bought the book, better planning.
If you fail an assignment, this will happen:
All students that fail an assignment will get a new deadline that will be announced on Slack as a pinned message. For this new deadline a new complete handin will be required.
If you plagiarise
We use tools to detect plagiarism. Suspected attempts of plagiarism will be reported according to the rules and regulations of Linnaeus University. Read the following: