Examination 2 – web API

Examination assignment 2

In this assignment, we are going to implement a web-API following the theory of REST. We encourage you to have your own ideas about the API service to build. Maybe you have some idea you want to start with trough an API driven design? For those of you without any ideas, we present a scenario below. That will also give a hint of the extent of this assignment.

Overall requirements:

Obviously you will be expected to have error handling, security, good code structure, accessible through HTTP/HTTPS, and so on. Below are two sets of requirements for this assignment. You must fulfil all the "mandatory" requirements and at least FIVE linguistic design rules in order to PASS the project for Web APIs module. The "linguistic design rules" are introduced in the lectures. Watch them! You are free to choose your own implementation or use our proposed suggestion. You are free to choose any frameworks, libraries, and modules for solving this assignment as long as the examiners could test your solution easily.

Mandatory requirements:

  • The API should at least support representations with application/json
  • The API should try to follow the constraints for Restful APIs
  • The API should embrace the idea of HATEOAS. The API should have one entry point and use HATEOAS for making the API browsable.
  • The API should give the client possibilities to create, read, update and delete resources.
  • Unsafe HTTP methods and data about users in the system should require authentication done through the API with the implementation of JWT-tokens.
  • The API should give some ability to register a webhook, which will trigger on some of you chosen event.
  • In your examination repository, you should provide a POSTMAN collection. The examiner should be able to load this into the POSTMAN application or a NEWMAN CLI and test your API without any further configuration. For more information about POSTMAN and NEWMAN see this article: https://scotch.io/tutorials/write-api-tests-with-postman-and-newman
  • Don't forget to make calls that show your error handling like bad requests, wrong credentials and so on.
  • The code should be published in your examination repository along with a report (see below)
  • Your solution should be testable without any configuration, installations of servers and so on. Preferable, the API will be testable through a public URL. Any instructions on how to test your solution should be in your repository README.md.
  • The code should be "individually" created, the examiners may run a code anti-plagiarism tool on your code. Plagiarism will be seriously considered and reported.
  • Make a script-file that automatically populated your application with some data for testing

Linguistic design rules (linguistic design quality of your API):

  • rule 1: Forward slash separator (/) must be used to indicate a "hierarchical relationship".
  • rule 2: A trailing forward slash (/) should not be included in URIs.
  • rule 3: Hyphens (-) should be used to improve the readability of URIs.
  • rule 4: Underscores (_) should not be used in URIs.
  • rule 5: Lowercase letters should be preferred in URI paths.
  • rule 6: File extensions should not be included in URIs.
  • rule 7: A "singular" noun should be used for document names.
  • rule 8: A "plural" noun should be used for collection names.
  • rule 9: A plural noun should be used for store names.
  • rule 10: CRUD function names or their synonyms should not be used in URIs.
  • rule 11: A verb or verb phrase should be used for controller names.
  • rule 12: The query component of a URI may be used to filter collections or stores.
  • rule 13: The query component of a URI should be used to paginate collection or store results.

Our suggestion for those without own ideas

The fishing club "LNU Fishing Club" needs an API for the collection of fishing reports. They are thinking of building a client application but want a separate web API before taking this process along. The idea is that fishers should be able to report their catch and that this data should be made public. They want to collect data like:

  • The user which catches the fish
  • The position (longitude and latitude) of the catch
  • The name of the lake/river
  • The city of fishing spot
  • Specie of the fish
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Image-URL
  • Timestamp of the catch

To do un-safe HTTP calls, the API must have Authentication/Authorization. A user should be able to sign in through the API in a safe way (see requirements). Of course, you are free to implement further features in your web API.


This examination is a hand-in assignment. You will need to defend your design decisions in writing by answering the questions below in a report. This questions should be answered in your Merge Request Assignment Report. (See details under "Hand in" below)

The report should include the course code, course name, your name, and an introduction describing the problem you have tried to solve.

The following questions should be answered in the report.

  1. Explain and defend your implementation of HATEOAS in your solution.
  2. If your solution should implement multiple representations of the resources. How would you do it?
  3. Motivate and defend your authentication solution. 3a. What other authentication solutions could you implement? 3b. What pros/cons do this solution have?
  4. Explain how your webhook works.
  5. Since this is your first own web API, there are probably things you would solve in another way, looking back at this assignment. Write your thoughts about this.
  6. Which "linguistic design rules" you implemented? List them here and motivate "for each" of them very briefly why you chose them? Remember that you must consider "at least" FIVE "linguistic design rules" as the linguistic quality of your API.
  7. Did you do something extra besides the fundamental requirements? Explain them.
  8. A separate LastName_API_Documentation.txt where you will list your resource URIs and their corresponding brief descriptions. If you have an URI being used with multiple HTTP methods, you need to describe each pair of HTTP METHOD : URI separately. For example, if you have a resource URI as www.example.com/fish/types and you have HTTP methods GET, PUT, and DELETE to perform something on that resource, you need to briefly describe each pair of Method and URI, e.g., what GET www.example.com/fish/types does, what PUT www.example.com/fish/types does, what DELETE www.example.com/fish/types does, and so on.


The grade for this assignment is F (fail), Fx (fail, with options to improve), and P (pass). We will take note of your effort and give you grades like P-, P, or P+ that could affect your final grade on this course. We will look at the "linguistic design" and "structure" of the API and the code, how easy your API is to understand, the extent of your effort, and the easiness for the examiner to test your solution.


  • Start by making a plan on how to solve the assignment. What do you have to do? What steps do you have to take? What do you need to know and learn? Plan your work and plan early!
  • Start with your resources/models. Create them and write a seed-script that fill your storage with some data to play with when testing your API.
  • Do not spend time on over-doing validation rules. In a real scenario, we should, but in this assignment, the API is the most important.
  • Maybe a simple client application will help you to develop a good API, especially with respect to HATEOAS.
  • Learning and using POSTMAN/NEWMAN is your own responsibility. Make sure to read the article: https://scotch.io/tutorials/write-api-tests-with-postman-and-newman

Hand in of the assignment

You hand in your assignment by doing a Merge Request (MR). Make sure you do the following:

  • Create a MR from your 'master'-branch to your 'release'-branch.
  • Add title: "Submission, Assignment 2"
  • Check the boxes in the description by adding a 'x' between the brackets.
  • Make sure to fill in the Assignment Report. (The questions are in html-comments so that you can leave them there. Make sure to not write your code inside comments!)
  • Select the Milestone to which you would like to make the submission. Important!

Do not add anything else. Do not merge or close your MR. Doing that will count as if you have withdrawn your submission.

You can continue to push to the master branch and thoose commits will be added to the submission. If you commit after deadline, the pipeline will indicate that your submission is late.

You can edit the MR and the Assignment report after the MR is opened.

You can add comments to your MR if you want to communicate anything to the examiner.

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