Part 1 – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Lets start with an overview of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and how they work together.

The time to fullfill this course part is estimated to 40h.


There are lectures that introduce course topics.

  1. L01 - HTML
  2. L02 - CSS
  3. L03 - JavaScript #1
  4. L04 - JavaScript #2

Read & Study

You should read and study the following resources.

  1. In the (free online) book "JavaScript for impatient programmers", review the following chapters.

    • Ch 3 History and evolution of JavaScript
    • Ch 5 The big picture
    • Ch 6 Syntax
    • Ch 7 Consoles: interactive JavaScript command lines
  2. The MDN website contains reference documentation for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Get acquainted with MDN by looking briefly at the following pages, just so you know what information is there.

  3. Quickly review the document "Semantic Versioning 2.0.0" that shows how one can think when using version numbers on source code.


You must do the assignments and submit them. Details on the assignment, grading and how to submit, is described in its instruction.

  1. A01 – Build a website

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