This course site is now (during June-Aug 2020) being updated for the upcoming course round scheduled in the early Autumn of 2020. The course round will be held in study period 1, between August 31 and November 1, 2020, with students participating from the following programs.
- Programvaruteknik (sv) & Software Technology (en), term 5
- Nätverkssäkerhet (sv) & Network Security (en), term 5
- Datateknik (sv), term 5 (electable)
The current plan is to have the course mainly through online activities. This might change depending on recommendations to deal with the Corona situation. There is a tentative schedule (see the left menu) for the course.
The course is held in English.
This website will be the main course platform where information and exercises are distributed. Course repos will be on GitLab where you will access exercises to train and tasks to submit. The submission will mainly be to GitLab.
Mikael Roos will be the main responsible teacher for this course round.
Let’s see each other after the summer to do some web programming.
//Mikael (