L11 - Optimization & Accessibility
This lecture deals with quality improvements of your application though the aspects of accessability and optimizations.
The lecture covers topics like:
- Why and what on accessability
View the presentation "Optimization & Accessibility" with Johan Leitet.
The slides are here.
There is an English version and a Swedish version of the presentation.
- English version (2017), 47min.
- Swedish version (2016), 45min.
About accessibility, the basics.
MDN on Accessability, an overview of the area.
MDN Learn Accessability to learn more on the area.
Tools to test accessability and performance (and more aspects).
Colorblind Web Page Filter tool to test how a color bild person sees your website.
Check the Accessability and Performance using PageSpeed Insights.
- Learn more on the development tool Google Lighthouse
Try how a screenreader works on your website.
DIGG, Swedish organisation on how authorities should develop their websites, on tools and guidelines for accessability.
About optimization.
- Javascript language optimizationFranziska Hinkelmann - A Trip to the Zoo
- Jake Archibald - Modern progressive enhancement
- CSS Sprites CSS Sprites: What They Are, Why They’re Cool, and How To Use Them
- CDN - What is a CDN?