1. JTI - K8s - development


Now we will convert our existing Just Task It application to be executed on a local kubernetes cluster.


You should have completed the "JTI - Docker Compose - Production" exercise.

You should watch and follow along in the recordings and demos under Theory and demos and start with this assignment when you reach "Demo 5: Just Task It in development".

A possible solution to this exercise is publiced here: Example - Kuberneterized Web Application


Try to convert the application by creating:

  • Kubernetes (k8s) manifests for:
    • "mongodb",
    • "taskit" and
    • "ingress"

To achive this you can have a look at Skaffold which have tools for converting from Docker Compose to K8s. Other tools for this exist as well.

Use Minikube and minikube tunnle to access the ingress server. Use:

to activate ingress support in Minikube.

Test it!

When you are done, you should be able to visit http://localhost and se your application there. You should be able to edit files and Skaffold will reuild the containers. skaffold dev

Next step

Lets put the application on a CSCloud cluster!