CSCloud for education


In this course, you need a place to deploy the applications you create. To do that, each student gets a virtual Linux machine in our cloud solution, "CSCloud."

This exercise will make you hit the ground running when you want to deploy your examination assignments. The recommendation is to follow along in this exercise before you start working on the examination assignments.

The computer you have access to is publicly reachable over the Internet. You are only allowed to use this machine for the purposes described in this course. You are not allowed to use the machine for private projects.

The SSH-key you have received should be considered a secret, and it is important that you do not send it to a third party or show the key in any online streams.

What to do

This is a brief list of things that this exercise will process. You can, if you like, try to do it by your self by reading the documentation, or by follow along in the recordings.

  1. Connect to your cloud server
    • Download the SSH-key
    • Connect to the server using SSH
  2. Update the server and install:
    • npm and node
  3. Configure NGINX to serve as a proxy for your applications
  4. Add HTTPS support using Lets Encrypt
  5. Enable HTTP2 (optional)
  6. Run our applications in production