
Examination 1

These are the instructions for the first examination report. In the report you will present your findings when working with Wireshark to analyze a number of files containing captured network traffic.

Analyzing the capture files

The files you will work with can be found in this ZIP archive. Each file contains some communication to be analyzed.

For each file, try to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe in words what is going on in the communication. In other words, try to explain the scenario that was recorded.
  2. What protocols are used in the communication?
  3. At what layer of the OSI (or TCP/IP) model do each of the protocol operate?
  4. What RFC(s) (if any) will help us learn more about each protocol?
  5. What is the purpose of each protocol?
  6. Who are the communicating parties at each layer (focus on addresses)?
  7. Can you spot any sensitive data (like passwords) in the communication?

No need to rewrite information about same protocol (question 3, 4, 5) if they appear in more then one capture file.

As for a more in-depth analysis of each file, use Wireshark functions to answer the following questions:

  1. How many packets were exchanged?
  2. How much data was sent?
  3. What was the average packet size?

Hint: You will find useful functions in the menus under "Analyze" and "Statistics". For more information about Wireshark you can try the user guide or look around at the web site, wireshark.org, where you also can download Wireshark.

The report

To present your findings from above you will produce a report in PDF-format and publish it in your Github repository. To show your examiner that you are ready for examination make a Github release marked as version 1.

Content of the report

  1. The first part should be an introduction to the text. Here you present the theme of the report in a way that captures the reader and makes her/him want to continue reading. Remember that the person examining your report might have read 10-15 report before s/he comes to yours - how do you make your report stand out?!

  2. Once the introductions are over you should go into detail about how you went about your work. Present your findings for each capture file in a way that the reader easy could get the result of the above questions.

  3. Present how you found the answers. Here you can present central tools, references and descriptions of your methods and your rationale behind choosing them.

  4. Answer the below questions in your report:

    1. Explain the TCP/IP-model. What it is, how it it used and why it is important to understand. (ca. 200 words)
    2. Describe the difference between TCP and UDP. In what cases do we use UDP - and why? (ca. 200 words)
    3. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. What is SSL and TLS and in what other cases are they used? (ca 300 words)
    4. What is DNSSec? (ca 200 words)
    5. Explain what network segmentation means (ca 300 words)
  5. In this last part you present what you have learned from working with this examination.

Some tips

  • Any questions? Use the scheduled supervisions.
  • Use spell check! And if possible, grammar check!
  • Read it out loud. If it is hard for you to read, it is probably hard for someone else.
  • Let someone else read it and get their feedback on the content, the language and the narrative.
  • Be sure to make references to the course literature and any other literature that is relevant for your topic.
  • We will run your report through the anti plagiarism system Urkund. Do not copy text from other student's reports nor from any other documents!

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