Weekly plan

A plan for what main activities happens each week. The teacher updates this as the course goes on. Treat it as a roadmap for the course materials and use it as a basic plan on what to do each week.


This is how you can prepare yourself for the course.

  • Read up on the course details and the other documents in that section.
  • Ensure you know what literature is suggested (it's free literature).
  • Check out the lab environment and install what is needed.

Week 01 (w46): Get going

Get going with the course and the lab environment.




  • Ensure that you have worked through all exercises to get going and learn some basics.
  • The first assignment A1 is released at the end of the week.
    • Prepare to start working with A1.

Week 02 (w47): Website with HTML & CSS

Build a website using HTML & CSS.




  • Work with A1.

Week 03 (w48): Get going with JavaScript

Get going with JavaScript by studying and reading. Then start coding small programs in the web browser.



  • JavaScript Hello World is an exercise that let you practice the basics of using JavaScript in the web browser.
  • JavaScript Roll Dice is an exercise/example where you can challenge youreself to write your own web page where you can roll a set of dice. There is a solution which you can review.


  1. The free online "JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2022 edition) provides an excellent guide to get going with all parts of the JavaScript language, especially when you already know a few programming languages. Glance through the table of content of the book and briefly review a few chapters of your own choice. The book can be used as a dictionary.


  • Submit A1.
  • Start reading about and prepare for assignment A2.

Week 04 (w49): Programming JavaScript

This week you should practise what you read about JavaScript last week. It is time to start coding in the browser and use some Web APIs.



  • JavaScript builder this is how you should work with the A2, using a builder.
  • Postman shows how to inspect and learn more on the quiz server in A2.
  • Fetch API on how to write JavaScript in the browser and talk to a REST API server.


  • Work with A2.

Week 05 (w50): JavaScript and the environment

Lets look into detail on the JavaScript programming model with eventdriven programming where the event loop has a central part of executing messages in the queue of event.

We also check out how one of the Web APIs work, namely the Web Storage API.




  • Work with A2.
  • Prepare to work with A3.

Week 06 (w51): Single page application

About the architecture around building SPA applications and what support you get from some of the Web APIs.




  • Submit A2.
  • Re-submit A1 - if you are not done.
  • Start working with assignment A3.

Week 07 (w52): Work with assignments


  • Work with A3.

Week 08 (w01): Work with assignments


  • Work with A3.

Week 09 (w02): Work with assignments


  • Work with A3.

Week 10 (w03): Submission week


  • Submit A3.
  • Re-submit A2 and A1 - if needed.