An introduction and overview of how the HTTP protocol works and its request methods.
Review this HTML presentation of HTTP.
View it as a lecture in swedish or english.
English with John H + Johan L (second part only, start after 43 minutes):
Swedish with Johan H (starts after 15 minutes):
Read & Study
Read and study the following.
First of all read this introduction "Learning object HTTP"
Quickly and roughly glance through the "RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1". At the bottom of the author list you will find T. Berners-Lee. This is how standards work on Internet.
Read & Study (optional)
These are optional resources for the one who wants to know more within this area.
Read the short article "Learning object HTTP/2" to update yourself upon what HTTP/2 means.
Read this is a small article which gives a good view of the cache options in HTTP.
Extra reading to dig deeper into HTTP and how to use it - read the online book "HTTP Succinctly". Check up the following chapters.
- HTTP Resources
- HTTP Messages
- HTTP Connections
- HTTP Web Architecture
- HTTP State and Security
Extra viewing the video "Yesterday's perf best-practices are today's HTTP/2 anti-patterns - Velocity 2015 (Santa Clara)" that provides insights into the isses that HTTP/2 is trying to solve.