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Begreppet MOOC

Snygg introfilm om dagens stora MOOCs

Samtidigt bör man också se Dave Cormiers förklaring på vad MOOC egentligen handlar om (Dave kläckte begreppet MOOC)

MOOC som pedagogiskt verktyg

The pedagogical foundations of massive open online courses by David George Glance, Martin Forsey, Myles Riley

In 2011, the respective roles of higher education institutions and students worldwide were brought into question by the rise of the massive open online course (MOOC). MOOCs are defined by signature characteristics that include: lectures formatted as short videos combined with formative quizzes; automated assessment and/or peer and self–assessment and an online forum for peer support and discussion. Although not specifically designed to optimise learning, claims have been made that MOOCs are based on sound pedagogical foundations that are at the very least comparable with courses offered by universities in face–to–face mode. To validate this, we examined the literature for empirical evidence substantiating such claims. Although empirical evidence directly related to MOOCs was difficult to find, the evidence suggests that there is no reason to believe that MOOCs are any less effective a learning experience than their face–to–face counterparts. Indeed, in some aspects, they may actually improve learning outcomes.

Web Science Web Science Trust – En samlingsresurs för de olika universitet som håller på med web science.

Web Science: A Provocative Invitation to Computer Science
Ger en bra bild av vad man vill åstadkomma med Web Science och hur man ser kopplingen till CS. Refereras ofta till i diverse publikationer Möjligen kan man bara komma åt länken från skolan..eller köra via nån VPN?

University of southampton

A Framework for Web Science[1].pdf
Tim Bernes-Lee m.fl. Bok som först myntade uttrycket?

Creating a Science of the Web Tim Bernes-Lee m.fl. – En kortare version

E-learning from the Perspective of Web Science: Looking to the Future
Intressant koppling mellan Web, Web Science och distansutbildning

Web Science and Human-Computer Interaction: When Disciplines Collide

Web Science: expanding the notation of computer science

Förklarar vad som ingår och hur forskningsområdet och utbildningar i ämnet kan byggas upp

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