Oops, here we go again!

Don’t forget Step-test 3 on May 6-7! Retests to be open in new versions this time is Step1_C and Step2_B.

Right now I note that the frequency of lab submissions has decreased a bit since start, which could indicate that you experience C++ lab work difficult to master? Naturally, we understand that the new abstraction level of advanced C++ is tough, especially when having other (perhaps time consuming) courses or job in parallel. Although preferable, it’s not always possible keeping the pace, particularly not if already from beginning being delayed. Then please note that it’s still acceptable to submit tasks after regular deadlines. This affects the possibility of higher grading but of course I still correct all labs as long as course is running.

So - just do your best to report your assignments when you are able to, taking the time needed to gain a well understanding on each new C++-issue. Single residual labs may be presented even during the last “re-collection weeks” after course deadline, or at the end of summer (the week before the autumn semester begins). Such exception should be requested and agreed with course leader in due time before regular course deadline on June 3!

We can not often enough remind you to take advantage of  the lab assistance offered! If you need support regarding your programming work, you are always welcome to visit the “Online tutoring room” in Adobe Connect (Tuesdays at 10:00-12:00 or Thursdays at 15:00-17:00). If time doesn’t suit your schedule you can also ask for an individual advising session. This request should be done at least a day before preferred tutoring time.

Good luck in finalizing the ongoing step and with upcoming step-test!