Happy New Year – and a little reminder!

As mentioned in previous posts, I’ve had some time off over the weekends and I hope that also you have had a much needed and enjoyable Christmas holiday! However, the new year’s plans are knocking on the door again, so now it’s time to “pick up some dropped threads” … :) If you are still waiting on lab answer from me, it will show up in the next few days.

Step 5, which elapsed over the last two weeks, has its deadline on the last Sunday of the year, 31/12, meaning it’s time for step-test 5. Well, I do not expect anyone to take an exam on New Year’s Eve! ;) Therefore, please note in the Study plan that step-test 5 is postponed one day, compared to the usual times, ie. opens at lunchtime on January 1 instead! Thereafter, the test is as usual active for 1.5 days, which also applies to re-tests for those who wish to re-examine an earlier step.

Good luck and have a wonderful New Year’s celebration!