
Alternative to Docker

An alteranative to uisng Docker for the Jekyll assignment is to instead use a cloud based integraded development environmet. This guide is a step-by-step guide to get the first assignment up and running in Codeanywhere.

1 - Sign up

Start of by visiting Codeanywhere and sign in using your Github-account.

  • Click the "Github icon on the start page"
  • Sign in using your Github credentials
  • Make sure access is granted to the Organization "1dv022"
  • A verification mail is sent to your mail. Make sure to verify your Codeanywhere account before you continue

2 - Create a new workspace

Create a new Project

  • Create a "New Project..."
  • Name your Project to something suitable
  • Choose "Github" as the base for the project and choose your examination repo from the list (
  • Click "Next"
  • Search for "Ruby" when asked to choose container. Choose Ruby on Ubuntu from the list
  • Click "Create"

3 - Workspace is created

Your container is now created in the online editor (could take a couple of minutes). You will get access to a bash-terminal. The folder "workspace" referes to your root folder of your git repository.

  • Acquaint yourself with the environment

  • You have a welcome page with the url on which your site is publiced during the development process

4 - Create your Jekyll

You should now install and create the Jekyll site in the "src"-folder.

  • Do: gem install jekyll bundler
  • Do: jekyll new src

Make sure your site was created in the folder "src"

5 - Start working

We now need to start jekyll

  • Do: cd src
  • Do: jekyll serve --host --port 3000

Your site is now published on a Codeanywhere-url. That is the link that you find in the tab named as your project. Something like (

6 - Done

You can now start working in the src-folder with your files. Please Note: The files are all in the cloud based IDE and can not be found on your computer. To push to Gihub, you do as you are used to using git add, git commit and git push

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