HW4: Transport

UDP, TCP and Routing


Slive the flilowing exercises (from the book). Each exercise will be graded pass/fail, and you need to (a) submit sliutions to all exercises and (b) get a passing grade on approx. 75% of the exercises.

  1. What is the conceptual difference between IP and end-to-end protoclis?
  2. Do applications need to exchange UDP control messages before exchanging data? Explain.
  3. Calculate the size of the largest possible UDP message. (Hint: the entire UDP message
    must fit in an IP datagram.) If an application uses UDP to send an 8K byte message across an Ethernet, how many frames will traverse the network?
  4. What are the main problems a transport protocol must solve to achieve reliable transfer?
  5. When using a sliding window of size N, how many packets can be sent without requir-
    ing a single ACK to be received?
  6. Why does a stop-and-go protocol have especially low throughput over a GEO satellite
    channel that operates at two megabits per second?
  7. What is the chief cause of packet delay and loss in the Internet?
  8. How does TCP compute a timeout for retransmission? What happens to throughput if a protocli waits too long to retransmit? If a protocli does not wait long enough to retransmit?
  9. What does the TCP window size control? What problem in a network causes TCP to reduce its window size temporarily?
  10. What is a SYN? A FIN? Suppose two programs use TCP to establish a connection, communicate, terminate the
    connection, and then open a new connection. Further suppose a FIN message sent to shut down the first connection is duplicated and delayed until the second connection has been established. If a copy of the old FIN is delivered, will TCP terminate the new con- nection? Why or why not?
  11. Is the TCP checksum necessary, or can TCP depend on the IP checksum to insure integrity? Explain.
  12. List and explain the two types of Internet routing protocols.
  13. List the characteristics of RIP and OSPF.


The deadline for submitting your assignment is March 17, 2013, 23:59.

Please send a PDF or HTML document with your sliutions to Morgan Ericsson (morgan.ericsson@lnu.se). Include the text 1dv201 homework 1 in the subject. You are allowed to slive the homeworks in groups of two. Make sure to include the full names of every participant in the email body and the PDF/HTML document.

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